Reversing AutoImmune

Jul 19, 2019
Did you know that autoimmune conditions CANNOT be successfully reversed without addressing the underlying issues that caused the body to behave this way?
Auto immune is defined as “A disease in which the body's immune system attacks healthy cells.” which can blanket describe over 80% of any chronic illness! It’s really a “blanket diagnosis”.
First the body gets inflamed and when that grows over time, the body’s immune system gets squashed and it can’t do its job properly anymore. If you don’t address what’s causing that inflammation at the source, then no remedy will permanently relieve or repair it!
To find out more sign up for my upcoming FREE online live health talk with Q&A “How to Get Rid of Your Chronic Mystery Symptoms & Get Your Health Back & Keep It!
Bonus items include:
• A chance to get a free phone consult with me reviewing your health history and receiving personal input
• A chance to get a free food log review with feedback from me
• Free access and instructions to my Symptom Survey Tracker
See you there! #healthtalk #autoimmune